New Moon Blessings

  ~ manifesting goals and releasing fears ~

On Friday night we had a very special event, a new moon and solar eclipse. I had been so excited and planned a ritual for releasing things I no longer needed and bring to fruition my goals for the year. I was heading down to the ocean pool around the corner to watch the moon rise over the horizon.

Little did I realise, I wouldn’t be able to see anything. I was disappointed but a little relieved at not going out in the wild weather. My preparation was fun. I had a beautiful candle, some fears and goals on sticky notes, some crystals and my journal. Once 8:46pm arrived I was ready to release and burn my fears into my mini cauldron and when they were gone I let my goals fly in the beautiful night wind.

 ~ Magical Mermaids & Dolphin Cards – Doreen Virtue ~

I knew this would work and I also knew how amazing it would be, what I didn’t know was just how it would work, but it was instant and pretty powerful. Explaining what happened isn’t possible, but I do feel much lighter, more peaceful and certainly loved up inside.

This new moon was important as I’ve been through a number of challenges recently, which have really taken their toll. I’m currently sick with a terrible cold and working on a whole new life chapter. The current one isn’t working but I don’t know what the next one is so releasing the fear of what to do now that I’ve resigned from a job I don’t love, or personally believe in, while feeling awful is a challenge in itself.

First Light Candle  ~ First Light Candles in Absinthe – a gift from my beautiful friend Nicole ~

I am incredibly fortunate (and grateful I didn’t burn my new home down and that the fire safety guys are checking my smoke detector next week) that I have my jewellery to create, journals to write and beautiful family and friends.

I cannot believe it’s been so long since I’ve been creative, I haven’t even felt like it. I’ve been stuck in a horrible place and I’m beginning to see the light that is truly wonderful … even though I don’t know yet where it’s leading.

Hopefully you can have a new start and if you want to set some intentions and release what no longer serves you, it’s certainly not too late.

Much love, Fifi xxxx



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